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Coordinating Assembly of Non-Governmental Organisations (CANGO) -

As the 'voice of the voiceless', CANGO advocacy work is carried out broadly through consortia which are: Gender, Children, ESHACO, Food Security and Livelihood, Human Rights and Governance, Media and the Elections Support Network.
Consortia are the sub-thematic groups under the auspices of CANGO which aim to influence policy through principles of clarity of messages, maintaining independence, upholding ethical information-dissemination, human-rights based programming, equal participation and access to the right information. 

Cango Objectives

  • To ensure effective coordination, collaboration, and Networking amongst Civil Society by 2020
  • To provide capacity building to Secretariat, six (6) Consortia and ten (10) CSOs per year for the delivery of quality services by 2020;
  • To ensure a functional Grants Management System for ten (10) CSOs and Secretariat by 2020;
  • To ensure effective and adequate advocacy for all Consortia by 2020;
  • To ensure the long-term sustainability of CANGO and CSOS through developed resource mobilization strategies by 2020.


Eswatini HIV and AIDS Consortium (SHACO). 


  • To strengthen coordination, collaboration and partnerships among ESHACO members, Secretariat and partners by 2023;
  • To mobilize financial and materials resources for ESHACO activities to be effectively delivered by 2023;
  • To strengthen technical capacities of ESHACO members and Secretariat to effectively carry out its obligations.
  • To strengthen the voice of ESHACO in influencing policy transformation, respect for human rights, elimination of stigma and discrimination and resource allocation for HIV prevention;
  • To enhance technical capacity for ESHACO members in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the five pillars of prevention as outlined in the NSF 2019-2023, social protection of structural vulnerabilities and mainstreaming GBV.
  • To strengthen the capacity of ESHACO members and secretariat systems, policies and governance to improve creditability and effectiveness.  

ESWATINI HIV/AIDS CONSORTIUM (ESHACO) is a network of 31 NGOs which coordinates the HIV response for civil society organisations in the country. HIV/AIDS continues to be a serious concern in the country. This consortium serves as a platform for the NGOs to speak with a common voice, and it was formed in 1999.